Science Hub UŁ. Nowe rozwiązania z zastosowaniem peptydów

As part of Science Hub UŁ contest conducted this year at the University of Lodz, a three-way collaboration with Oleofarm was undertaken. Under the supervision of Dr Karolina Sztobryn (Faculty of Law and Administration) and Dr Paweł Piątek (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection), microbiology student Dominika Goss prepared a state-of-the-art report on animal extracts rich in peptides with regenerative properties.

Peptides with regenerative properties

The project was interdisciplinary – it combined the need to study the patent environment and to develop information available in the scientific literature. The subject of consideration was animal tissue extracts containing peptides – their properties, as well as ways of obtaining and manufacturing them on an industrial scale. With the substantive support of the supervisors, a two-part report was created, consisting of a patent and literature analysis. The collaboration involved several inspiring discussions during meetings with the participating student, supervisors, and the representative of the company.  

The comprehensive scope of the issue was designed to be a compendium of knowledge and to meet the needs of the company cooperating in the Science Hub UŁ project. To this end, such tools as available patent and article databases were used. The report includes summaries after each section, the final conclusions which open up space for exploration and discussion. 

Oleofarm is one of the leaders in the dietary supplement industry, developing its products into biologically active innovative preparations.   

About the project

The project has been implemented as part of Science Hub UŁ – a university-wide cooperation platform aimed at initiating and supporting the implementation of applied student projects, in cooperation with external entities.

Project title: Assessment of the knowledge and patent landscape, respectively in the area of biological activity and intellectual property protection related to the production of extracts from animal tissues. 

Supervisors: Dr Karolina Sztobryn, Department of European Economic Law, Faculty of Law and Administration; Dr n. med. Paweł Piątek, Department of Immunology and Infection Biology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection 

Student: Dominika Goss, Microbiology   

Partner: Oleofarm Sp. z o.o. 

Project description: The purpose of this project was to meet the needs of Oleofarm by investigating the state of knowledge of the active substances contained in peptide-rich tissue extracts, their regenerative effects, and to prepare a description of the state of the art of the above preparations and ways to manufacture them on an industrial scale. 


Material: Project Team
Edit: Science Hub UŁ