The aim of the project is to develop a university-wide model of operation 'Science Hub', a platform for cooperation aimed at initiating and supporting student scientific projects in cooperation between university representatives and external partners while strengthening interdisciplinary interdepartmental cooperation.
The model for the Science Hub will include a description of the processes, a set of tools supporting the cooperation of students, university faculty and university partners, and organisational guidelines for faculty coordinators to initiate and implement student scientific projects, including interdepartmental projects.
The project aims to intensify the University's cooperation with the external environment in the development of solutions with a long-term purpose and through the organisation of a Contest and Trainings.
Our activities aim to:
- support the dialogue between society and the University so that it becomes an active and accessible partner in solving social problems based on research;
- build trust, commitment and cooperation between the University and local communities through support in solving social problems;
- to raise awareness of the opportunities for the University's projects in collaboration with the community.
The Science Hub UŁ project is about leveraging the University's potential to meet the needs of external stakeholders. It is also about developing the competences of those employed and studying at the University while tackling practical problems of the external environment.
The Science Hub UL project:
- supports the external environment;
- promotes the results of work carried out at the University;
- develops the University community;
- provides tools to structure the University's cooperation with the environment through prepared, ready-to-implement models of action.
Project is co-financed from the state budget under the programme of the Minister of Education and Science called 'Science for Society' project no. NdS/543803/2021/2022. Amount of co-financing 650,000 PLN. Total project value PLN 650,000

Dr Małgorzata Dzimińska - Head of the Science Hub project at the University of Łódź, which aims to support the establishment and conduct of scientific cooperation between the university (staff and students) and external partners of the university. She works in the Department of Labour and Social Policy of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Łódź, where she leads research projects and develops management innovations in higher education. She listens to the voice of students, staff and university partners to undertake and support initiatives that build a culture of university quality.
She is actively involved in international research teams and is a member of the UK's the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and the European Higher Education Society (EAIR).

Dr Agata Matuszewska-Kubicz - Doctor of Economics in management, organisational psychologist, vocational counsellor and soft skills trainer. She works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Łódź and as an entrepreneurship specialist at the University of Łódź Career Office. She participated in the implementation of several projects, including international projects (e.g. Erasmus+, NCN, IDUB) in the field of labour market, entrepreneurship, education. In the "Science Hub UŁ" project, she supports the work of the team in terms of content and organisation.
She has several years of professional experience in career counselling, soft skills training and entrepreneurship. For 6 years she ran her own training and consultancy company. She also has experience in career coaching, reviewing business plans, and creating individual development plans, programmes and training tools. Her research interests include: human resource management, competences on the labour market, changes on the labour market, entrepreneurship, psychology of work and employer branding.